The Myrtleford Toy Library is a not-for-profit toy borrowing service that provides fun and educational toys for children aged from birth to five years.
We welcome parents, grandparents, carers and day care centres to conveniently and affordably access our wide variety of educational and fun toys. Our range of toys promote discovery and development through play.
Benefits of joining the Toy Library
How the Toy Library works
After paying an annual membership, you will have access to borrow 6 toys per fortnight.
Simply visit the Toy Library during borrowing sessions to select your toys. All borrowed toys are due back to the Toy Library after a 2 week period. You can re-borrow toys, provided that no one else has requested to borrow that item.
You can now browse through some of our great toys online, via the ‘toys’ tab on the Myrtleford Mibase website.
How to Become a Member
Membership Fees
Volunteer, Grandparent, Concession Card Holder: $40.00 per year
Non-Volunteer: $80.00 per year
Day Care and Playgroup: Please contact Emma to discuss
Party Pack Hire: TBC
Membership payments can be made via direct debit
Account Name: Myrtleford Toy Library Inc
Account Number: 100112683
*Please include your full name as a refrenece.
Volunteer Duties
We are a not-for-profit service that is run by volunteers. We ask that all members volunteer to ensure we can keep the Toy Library open. Please see below for volunteer duty details.
Members of the Toy Library are required to complete 4 volunteer sessions per year. We understand that life is busy and all families are unique, which means volunteering may not possible for all members. Please select the non-volunteer membership option if this is you or discuss your circumstances with Emma on 0428 085 727.
Please be mindful that our Toy Library can only open if we have volunteers to run it. Volunteer sessions are 1.5 hours long and may include duties such as cleaning and packing away toys, sorting toys into categories, setting up the toy display, checking toys in and out and checking toys for missing pieces. Please feel welcome to bring your little ones along to your volunteer session, but please be mindful to supervise.
Nominating for a volunteer session
All volunteer sessions are rostered in advance, and you are able to self-nominate dates that suits you. Please use the Mibase member login website to do this, or alternatively contact Emma on 0428 085 727 if you have issues nominating. You will receive a notification prior to your volunteer session. If you are unable to complete your volunteer duty, please contact Emma on 0428 085 727.
As we re-establish the Myrtleford Toy Library, we are welcoming new committee members, so please reach out if you have the capacity to join!
What happens if I break or lose a toy?
To ensure our toys are able to be passed on to many children, we ask that you take special care of our toys, including keeping them away from food and storing them out of the weather.
It is the member’s responsibility to ensure that all borrowed toys are returned in the same condition, with no damaged or missing pieces. Any significant damage or missing pieces that inhibit the use of a toy will require the member to pay for a replacement. If a toy breaks due to reasonable wear and tear, there will be no charge. We kindly ask that you clean all toys prior to returning them, so they are ready for the next family.
New Toys
We are always on the lookout for new toys and welcome suggestions for toys that you would like to see at our Toy Library. Please let us know via the Facebook page, in-person at the Myrtleford Toy Library, or contacting Emma on 0428 085 727. Donations of good quality toys are gratefully accepted.
Our Location
We operate out of the Myrtleford Senior Citizens Centre, on Smith st. We have a securely fenced play area including a slide, climbing equipment, sandpit and a cubby house.
Opening hours
First and third Saturday of the month from 10.00am to 11.30am
First and third Tuesday of the month from 10:00am to 11:00am (check out playgroup next door while you are visiting!)